Oakbridge: Deeply Rooted to Protect Your Growth
Customized Bonds from A Leader in Surety Programs
Oakbridge understands the necessity of guaranteeing payment or performance on future work. That’s why for decades we’ve helped business owners and contractors obtain surety bonds, regardless of your surety need or class of bond.
Oakbridge offers a wide variety of Commercial and Contract Surety Bonds. Some of these bonds include Performance & Payment, Bid Bonds, License and Permit Bonds as well as Court and Public Official bonds. The amount of these bonds can range from $100 to over $500,000,000.
Our dedicated staff, network of surety carriers, accounting professionals and legal resources ensure your bond submission is thoroughly completed and quickly processed.
In fact, we’re one of the few independent agencies that specializes in construction surety.
Oakbridge’s Surety Advantage
Trust & Integrity
Our record speaks for itself. For decades, we’ve dealt with only the most trusted sureties. We understand your bond needs, whether it’s a quick bond program or a larger, more complex surety program.
Connected & Resourceful
We work with over 30 surety markets to ensure the best fit for your business needs. Our network of construction CPAs and attorneys can help facilitate your statement preparation and address legal issues should they arise.
Stability & Experience
For nearly 100 years, we’ve been providing bond protection for your neighbors. We’ve placed bonds for business owners, contractors new to bonded work, as well as the most difficult bonds for hazardous work for a wide variety of owners.