Tailored Underwriting for Coastal Properties
Oakbridge grew from roots along the Southeastern coast. We know from experience how devastating windstorm and flood damage can be for families and businesses. We leverage experience, common sense and deep industry relationships to provide clients with the highest-quality property and flood insurance in the market.
In fact, we customize our policies based on each property’s specific risk so that you are assured the best coverage for your unique needs. And, our coverage is free of many of the limitations typically presented by our competitors.
Our relationship with Lloyd’s of London allows us to provide excellent coverage across the Southeast. Because we target high quality coastal properties, we’re able to avoid the coverage restrictions that most carriers implement. This helps us avoid unnecessary delays should you file a claim.
And as always, you are guaranteed Oakbridge’s commitment to superior service at every touchpoint. That means handling claims fairly and promptly—every single time.
Protection for Coastal Communities
Thorough Consideration
Often, automated, web-based systems provide “instant” quotes that overlook the specific attributes of your investment and its location. That’s why we consider each property’s unique characteristics before preparing a quote.
Personal Underwriting
We personally underwrite most cases and, as always, try to offer the most competitive terms we can for each risk. In addition, we pride ourselves on responding quickly and with integrity.
Dependable Service
Oakbridge offers many different coverage options to meet our neighbors’ property and flood insurance needs. Our commitment to fast, fair claims settlement means you’ll receive the highest quality coverage at a great value.